Waste Management: Universal Cart Program
As the final step in its three-year Community Materials Management Program, the Lake at Heritage Pointe introduced the Universal Cart Program in January of 2017. This brought us full circle for curbside collection of recyclables, organic material and regular waste, keeping the LAHPOA in alignment with bylaws of Foothills County for diversion of waste materials.
​Materials delivered to Land Fill or other sites may be inspected at point of receipt. For this reason, residents are recommended to use CLEAR bags for regular household waste; COMPOSTABLE bags for organic waste and NO bag for blue box content.
Bagged waste left curbside, and not contained within the appropriate cart, will not be collected. Cart lids should close completely. When carts cannot be closed completely, the cart may be left uncollected at the service provider's discretion.
The Roll Carts are a lidded, high-end polymer material designed specifically to withstand wear and tear associated with collection by mechanized trucks. Carts are registered/barcoded against each specific home address and remain the property of that registered street address through the course of any home sale transaction.
Frequency of green cart collection changes seasonally; green carts are collected weekly during peak yard waste seasons and bi-weekly through the winter months. Click HERE here to download a printer friendly version of the latest Organics Bin Pick Up Schedule
To maintain the visual integrity of our community, residents are required to store their carts inside their garage or elsewhere on their property such that THEY ARE NOT VISIBLE FROM THE STREET. Please respect your neighbor's view when storing carts. Carts must be removed from the curb the same day as collection. These requirements form part of the Bylaws that govern our community and are enforceable.
To print a two-sided, trifold, quick reference guide for using your carts, simply click HERE.