Preserving Environmentally Sensitive Land
The Lake at Heritage Pointe, as part of The Hamlet of Heritage Pointe, has protection in place for the preservation of natural lands including ravines and coulees within the Hamlet. These protect the land in its natural state in perpetuity, the distinction being the ultimate ownership of the land in the long-term and the ability for public access. No planting, landscaping, clearing, or buildings are permitted on these lands.
1. Preservation Easement
Portions of the ravine north of The Summit and The Ridge on the Golf Course side are protected by a preservation easement. This was one of the first preservation easements of its kind in Alberta. This easement allows the golf course to retain physical ownership of the ravine land but requires that the land be maintained in its natural state in perpetuity. The preservation easement area also contains a municipal access easement for a public pathway that can be used by residents of the Hamlet and members of the public. The municipal access easement is not a formalized trail. Public access outside of the formal municipal access easement is not permitted.
2. Environmental Reserve (ER)
Environmental Reserve is defined in Section 664(1) of the Province of Alberta’s Municipal Government Act. The Hamlet of Heritage Pointe contains ravines and coulees dedicated as ER predominately within and adjacent to The Lake at Heritage Pointe Community. Unlike the Preservation Easement mentioned above, land designated as Environmental Reserve is publicly owned (owned by Foothills County for the benefit of its homeowners) and must be retained in its natural state in perpetuity. Formal pathways are not permitted on lands designated as Environmental Reserve but installation of public works (i.e. utility crossings) can occur. Intermittent grazing of livestock is the only activity permitted on ER, and only if first approved by the County. The general public may gain access to ER lands via the public road system in place within the Hamlet of Heritage Pointe.
3. Preserving Environmentally Sensitive Lands
The Hamlet of Heritage Pointe contains a municipal reserve parcel (approximately twenty acres) that is located on the west side of Heritage Lake Drive and north of Pine Creek Road. The Municipal Reserve parcel is owned by Foothills County and used by it as part of the Dunbow Recreation Board public recreation area and sports field opened in 2013. The Municipal Reserve cannot be subdivided or sold without first holding a public hearing and notifying the adjacent landowners. Use of the playing fields is managed by the Lake at Heritage Pointe Owners Association. To inquire as to availability, please direct email to info@lahp.ca or call the Lake House at (403) 263-5540.