LAHP Park Bench Dedication Program
The Lake at Heritage Pointe Bench Dedication Program has been created to allow family and friends to dedicate an existing bench, or a new bench, along one of our community pathways. Benches may be personalized to recognize and honor a loved one or to celebrate significant moments or milestones.
Benches chosen for this program are manufactured using top grade cedar, finished with a lifetime preservative, and built with rigid steel frame construction. These attractive and durable benches would be mounted into a cement base. A 3” X 10″ inset bronze plaque would contain your custom, family friendly, dedication message.

Existing bench locations available within the LAHP community include the upper pond pathway, Isle pathway or adjacent to one of our three playgrounds. Or perhaps you have a different location in mind for a new bench? If so, please propose your preferred location to the LAHP board of directors for consideration.
Cost for a ten-year term:
Existing Bench: $1,000
New Bench: $3,500
The price includes the cost of the new bench or refurbishment of an existing bench, custom bronze plaque, installation, maintenance, and administration costs. Appropriate maintenance is completed to ensure benches retain their beauty over time.
At the end of the 10-year term, you will be contacted to ask if you would like to renew your dedication bench. To renew a dedication, the cost would be $1,000 for an additional 10-year period and would include appropriate refurbishment. If you do not renew, the bench will become available for a new person to dedicate, and the custom plaque will be returned to you.
Full payment is required before any work commences.
For further information, please contact the LAHP Community Manager at 403-263-5540 or at
Security Team Initiative Closeout Communication to Community
The Security Team would like to thank all those residents who participated in the Security Initiatives Open House on April 26. As a result of the activity, we received at total of 84 survey responses to help gauge interest and support for the various initiatives. We have been diligent in acting on those areas with the most interest and highest potential for near term success. A summary of the Open House survey's can be found by clicking here
As you may already be aware, prior to the Open House the team had implemented a number of items to enhance security in our community. These encompassed the inclusion of security information in our welcome package for new residents, standardization of how we gather data from incidents, strengthening our relationship with the RCMP, and reviewing best security practices in other communities.
As a result of the Open House, the survey showed strongest support for upgrading our entrance/exit security cameras at the South and West entry points. We are currently in the process of soliciting proposals for high resolution night time cameras capable of providing data for Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR). The plan is to install the camaras later this summer to enhance our capabilities of recording vehicle movements to assist police in their efforts. Security signage at the main entry points will be upgraded as part of this project. The ALPR system is being investigated in conjunction with the RCMP to determine how we can progress from a reactive recording system to obtain immediate recognition of suspect vehicle activity from the police database and allow a proactive response by authorities. The details on this are yet to be worked out, but success in this area would see us doing some form of ALPR in upcoming months.
There was also significant initial support for a Neighborhood Watch program arising from the Open House. Since then support in the form of volunteers to assist with the program has unfortunately dwindled to less than what is required to progress this initiative currently. As a result, the Security Team has decided to try an alternate approach. Security Team members will be soliciting homeowners in their immediate areas to join a WhatsApp chat group to link small areas of the community together. These small individual collaboration pods will be used to share security related information in their immediate areas. The goal will be to generate interest within the broader community and hopefully demonstrate the value of such collaboration. If the initiative is successful, the number of pods will increase and perhaps there will be an expansion from independent pods to a larger community WhatsApp chat group.
Due to lower levels of community support and barriers such as regulatory approval hurdles and high costs, Third-Party Vehicle Based Security Patrols and a Vehicle Gate System are not being progressed at this time.
With the most supported security issues being addressed with projects/programs currently in progress, the Security Team has now been stood down. We are encouraged by the interest and participation by homeowners in helping us identify these valuable and cost-effective security enhancements within our community. Thank-You!
Your Security Team:
Todd Brown
Jim Chuey
Jerry Krcek
Renee Krcek
Ryan McKimmie
Glenn Osmak
Les Turner
Marie Wallace
Neil Wallace
Trevor Yeaman
Rick Gallant